• Airwalker of Akadi

    Akadi is the whispering wind and the blinding gale storm, her form changing from season to season. Her kiss might be moist and sweet or bitter and cold. Uncaring, she carries sounds and scents along on her journey, but she never pauses to impress upon a traveler the importance of her travels. In religious art she is often portrayed as a huge, translucent blue woman with gigantic feathery wings that trail away into clouds. Her wings are said to toss the winds about the surface of Faerun. Like all the elemental lords, Akadi is relatively uncaring of her followers on Abeir-Toril. Her reactions are difficult to gauge, and she seems almost an alien being in her responses to most mortals not native to the Elemental Plane of Air. The relative inaction of Akadi and the other elemental Lords has led to their being viewed as only lesser powers in the Realms and their followers being classed as cultists. Akadi is known as Teylas in the Hordelands, a god of the Elemental Plane of Air. The distinction between a female and a male form of the Lady of the Winds makes no difference to the faith.

  • Weapons





    Bludgeoning, Shortbow, Dart, Light Crossbow, Throwing Daggers/Axes/Hammers All up to and including Chain Mail. All Both All
  • Advantages

    May cast air spells from the mage spell list as though they were priest spells.
    Gains the use of and proficiency in Short Bows, Darts, Throwing Axes, Throwing Daggers and Light Crossbows at level 1.

  • Disadvantages


  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Astral, Chaos, Creation, Elemental (Air), Healing, Protection, Travelers, Weather

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Combat, Divination, Elemental (Fire), Elemental (Water), Necromantic

  • Unique Spells


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  • Truesword of Arvoreen

    Arvoreen the Defender, fiery guardian of the home, is the nearest thing to a halfling war god. He is a god of stern defense and aggressive watchfulness, who is always preparing for incursions into halfling lands and making ready to repulse hostile creatures at the first sign of trouble. Arvoreen is venerated primarily by halfling fighters, but also by fighter/thieves who prefer the former set of skills over the latter.

  • Weapons





    All All Halfling Both LG,NG,LN,TN,CG,CN
  • Advantages

    May cast Strength at level 3. May cast Lay On Hands at level 5.
    May invoke Courage to all of the party within a 60ft radius at level 5 once per day. The effect bestows immunity to fear and a +1 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws for one turn.
    May make three melee attacks every two rounds at level 7.
    May make two melee attacks every round at level 13.
    May cast Haste on themselves only at level 13.

  • Disadvantages

    Cannot Command Undead.
    Cannot use reversed form of spells.

  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Law, Protection, Sun, War and Wards.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Necromantic, Summoning and Travelers.

  • Unique Spells

    Humansize (3rd)
    Sparkling Sword (3rd)
    Blazing Sword (4th)
    Giantsize (5th)

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  • Icepriest of Auril

    Auril is feared and worshiped in order to hold off the depredations of the harsh winters with which she threatens Faerun. In recent years, winters have been getting longer and colder, and more and more folk have been making the prayers to Auril. The Icepriests of Auril seek to make all folk fear their goddess and her through the fury of the winter weather. They also try to make themselves personally wealthy and influential by carrying out tasks that others cannot in the worst winter weather and by magically protecting those who pay or obey from the worst winter conditions.

  • Weapons





    Bludgeoning All up to and including Chain Mail. All Both LN,TN,CN,LE,NE,CE
  • Advantages

    Immune to all forms of cold damage.
    May cast Ice Storm at level 8.
    May cast Cone of Cold at level 10.
    May summon an Ice Para-Elemental at level 12.

  • Disadvantages

    Cannot Turn or Command Undead.

  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Animal, Combat, Divination, Elemental (Air, Earth & Water), Healing, Necromantic, Protection, Time and Weather.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Creation, Guardian and Wards.

  • Unique Spells

    Frost Fingers (1st)
    Frost Whip (2nd)
    Ice Blade (4th)
    Heart of Ice (7th)

    Return to top

  • Strifeleader of Cyric

    Cyric's faith is one of control by any means necessary. Force and deception are used in equal measure to spread his word. He is highly venerated by those of black hearts and evil deeds, from petty murderers to evil rulers of empires. Strifeleaders of Cyric are pledged to spread strife and work murder everywhere in order to make folk fear and believe in Cyric. They support rulers with a taste for cruelty and empire-building, but indulge in intrigue in every land so as to spread strife everywhere without plunging realms into widespread war and thus giving worship only to Tempus the war god.

  • Weapons





    Bludgeoning & Long Swords All All Both LN,TN,CN,LE,NE,CE
  • Advantages

    +1 bonus to all saving throws vs spells.
    Immune to Fear.
    May cast a touch ranged version of Feebleminded at level 15.
    Gains the use of and proficiency in Long Swords at level 1.

  • Disadvantages


  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Astral, Charm, Combat, Guardian, Healing, Necromantic, Summoning, Sun, Time, War and Weather.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Divination, Elemental (All), Numbers and Protection.

  • Unique Spells

    Black Talon (2nd)
    Dark Aura (4th)
    Skull of Secrets (4th)
    Create Direguard (7th)

    Return to top

  • Glitterbright of Garl Glittergold

    Garl Glittergold is the Watchful Protector of the Forgotten Folk and the leader of the gnome pantheon. He is said to have discovered the first gnomes while exploring a new cavern and then told them a joke before leading them into the world. All gnomes who embrace the communal life of the Forgotten Folk venerate the Joker, even if they also worship another deity. His name is invoked by gnomes involved in smithcraft (particularly those who work with gold) and gem cutting. Gnomes who wish to play a prank or tell a joke invoke his name, as do those who seek to protect and strengthen gnome communities.

  • Weapons





    All All Gnome Both LG,NG,CG,LN,TN,CN
  • Advantages

    May cast spells from the wizard school of Illusion/Phantasm. Appears as if they were wearing a Cloak of Displacement at level 13. May cast Gate at level 15.

  • Disadvantages

    Cannot Command Undead.

  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Astral, Animal, Charm, Combat, Creation, Elemental (Earth), Guardian, Healing, Necromantic, Protection and Wards.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Divination, Sun and Travelers.

  • Unique Spells

    Gembomb (3rd)
    Conjure Aurumvorax (5th)

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  • Amorphite of Ghaunadaur

    Ghaunadaur is a fell deity that has plagued the darkest reaches of the Realms since the dawn of time. That Which Lurks appears as an amorphous, dark purple blob with many tentacles. It is venerated by the largest slimes, oozes, slugs, and other crawling things-some of which are said to possess intelligence, albeit alien. Once all such beings worshiped Ghaunadaur, but it struck most of them mad in a fit of fury for some transgression-said by some to involve its failure to defeat Lolth shortly after her banishment from the Seldarine- and stole their intellects. As a result, many of its worshipers, and most of its power, ceased to exist. That Which Lurks and its giant roper servants have been venerated for eons by various creatures of the Underdark, particularly lone or subintelligent monsters and other outcasts (whom it occasionally aids, in return for adulation), as well as the few intelligent amorphs that remain. Evil beings seeking an alternative to established deities-including drow dissatisfied with the rule of Lolth-have also begun to worship That Which Lurks. Most humans find the worship of Ghaunadaur disgusting, but there are secret, subterranean altars and cults to the Elder Eye all over Tori], particularly in the older and more degenerate lands of the southern Sword Coast, Thay, and Kara-Tur.

  • Weapons





    All All All Both LN,TN,CN,LE,NE,CE
  • Advantages

    Immune to Diseases.
    Immune to Poisons at level 3.
    Immune to Acid and Corrosive Fluids at level 5.
    Immune to Breath Weapons at level 10.

  • Disadvantages

    Cannot Turn Undead.

  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Animal, Chaos, Combat, Elemental (All), Guardian, Healing, Necromantic and Sun.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Charm, Creation, Divination, Numbers, Protection, Summoning and Weather.

  • Unique Spells

    Mists of Ghaunadaur (3rd)
    Amorphous Form (5th)

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  • Earthwalker of Grumbar

    Grumbar, Boss of Earth, King of the Land Below the Roots, the Gnarly One, is an Elemental Lord from the Elemental Plane of Earth. He is generally uncaring to his faithful, but continues to grant his priest their powers since their worship increaces his power on his home plane. To maintain continued worship he does take a limited intrest in his followers mortal problems, and occationaly makes his presence known with a manifistaion, but never an avatar. Grumbar's church is varied and chaotic since he takes no interest in its structure. As a result it is a collection of cults with each faction coming up with its own ethics, codes, morals, and teachings. Grumbar's symbol varys greatly from faction to faction, but is generally a depiction of mountains. It is believed that if Grumbar's following (or any of the other Elemental Lords) were to somehow become unified he would become a very powerful force in the Realms. Something the other gods don't really wish to see happen.

  • Weapons





    Bludgeoning All All Both Any
  • Advantages

    May cast earth spells from the mage spell list as though they were priest spells.

  • Disadvantages


  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Animal, Combat, Creation, Elemental (Earth), Healing, Plant, Protection, Sun, Summoning, Time, War

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Elemental (Water), Elemental (Fire), Guardian, Law, Travelers, Weather

  • Unique Spells


    Return to top

  • Watcher of Helm

    Helm is the epitome of the guardian, the watcher, the guard, and has in years past been greatly venerated by those who need to remain watchful for evil at their doorsteps. The Watcher of Helm always obeys orders, provided those orders follow the dictates of Helm. They are charged to be vigilant and to he fair and diligent in the conduct of their orders. They must protect the weak, the unpopular, the injured, and the young and not sacrifice them for others. They must anticipate attacks and he ready, know their foes, and care carefully for their weapons so that their weapons can perform their duties properly when called upon.

  • Weapons





    Bludgeoning All (but see below) All Both LG,LN,NG,TN,CG,CN
  • Advantages

    Watchers receive a suit of full plate armor, an open face helm and a medium shield for free at level 1.
    May make three melee attacks per two rounds at level 7.
    May make two melee attacks per round at level 13.

  • Disadvantages

    May only ever equip the Helm sanctioned full plate armor they receive at level 1 as their main body armor.
    Cannot Command Undead.

  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Astral, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Protection, Sun and Wards

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Creation, Elemental, Healing and War

  • Unique Spells

    Sentry of Helm (1st)
    Exaltation (3rd)
    Forceward (3rd)
    Mace of Odo (3rd)
    Seeking Sword (4th)
    Summon Spectator (5th)

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  • Waterwalker of Istishia

    Faerūn has many powers whose portfolios deal with water. Umberlee governs the oceans and ocean storms. Valkur strives to protect those who travel the waves, and Eldath has dominion over pools, springs, and waterfalls. Istishia (Is-TISH-ee-ah) is more abstract than all these deities. He represents water, but not any specific formation or body of water. He is a mutable yet dynamic deity who is dispassionate and difficult to pin down. He provides the atmosphere in which life is born, but not life itself. He furnishes a crucial resource, but apparently cares not how it is used. He is depicted as anything from an immense water elemental to a drop of rain to a water weird to a wave on the ocean. Istishia represents eternal transmutation that holds a fixed, essential nature at its core. He holds in his nature change accomplished over time, as water wears away stone, or sudden leaps from one state to another, as water changes to steam when heated. He is the guardian of all hidden treasures under water. Like all the elemental lords, Istishia is relatively unfeeling toward his followers on Abeir-Toril. His reactions are utterly unpredictable and thus, in an odd way, predictable in their unpredictability. The reasoning behind Istishia's actions is incomprehensible to most of Faerūn's inhabitants, including his worshipers. The alien and uncaring stance of Istishia and the other elemental lords has led to the mistaken impression in the Realms that they are only lesser powers and their followers merely oddball cultists.

  • Weapons





    Bludgeoning & Spears All up to and including Chain Mail. All Both All
  • Advantages

    May cast water spells from the mage spell list as though they were priest spells.
    Gains the use of and proficiency in Spears at level 1.

  • Disadvantages


  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Animal, Creation, Chaos, Elemental (Water), Guardian, Healing, Plant, Protection, Travelers, Wards, Weather

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Combat, Elemental (Air), Elemental (Earth), Necromantic, Numbers, Time

  • Unique Spells


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  • Doomguide of Kelemvor

    Those who see death as a necessary part of the cycle of life, not something grisly and abhorrent in itself, are the favored followers of Kelemvor. They tend to be humans who derive personal comfort in seeing that disorder does not attend death and to be both sensitive and practical. Doomguides are blessed with unique foresight and applied wisdom that enables them to anticipate where death will occur. They are not out to spread death and destruction in the Realms. Rather, they seek to help others to die with dignity at their appointed time and no sooner. Just as they do not seek to rush death, they also speak out against those who seek to artificially prolong their lives beyond their natural limits.

  • Weapons





    Bludgeoning All up to and including Chain Mail. All Both All
  • Advantages

    +1 bonus to saving throws versus death magic.
    Immune to level draining effects at level 10.
    May summon a Minor Death for 10 rounds at level 10.

  • Disadvantages


  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Astral, Charm, Combat, Healing, Law, Necromantic, Summoning, Time and Wards.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Creation, Divination, Elemental, Guardian and Travelers.

  • Unique Spells

    Chilling Scythe (2nd)
    Dead March (4th)
    Deny Death (5th)

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  • Firewalker of Kossuth

    Kossuth spoken like a whispering flame, is the patron of all fire elementals as well as any who view fire as a purifying and revitalizing force. He is normally depicted as a huge pillar of flame boiling skyward. He represents the burning away of the old to make way for the new with the cognizance that the way to change is harsh and measured. He is the fire in the hearth which appears comforting but which may turn on its owner at any time and burn the house down. He is the mystery of fire, the unknowable secret that speaks inspiration to smiths and death to crazed people who burn things and people for pleasure.

  • Weapons





    Bludgeoning All up to and including Chain Mail. All Both All
  • Advantages

    May cast fire spells from the mage spell list as though they were priest spells.

  • Disadvantages


  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Chaos, Creation, Charm, Combat, Elemental (Fire), Healing, Numbers, Summoning, Sun.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Divination, Elemental (Air), Elemental (Earth), Guardian, Protection, War

  • Unique Spells


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  • Chronologian of Labelas Enoreth

    Labelas Enoreth is the elven god of longevity and time. At the creation of the Fair Folk, Labelas blessed the elves with long lifespans and decreed that their appearances would not be marked by the passage of time. The Lifegiver cooperates with Sehanine in overseeing the lifespan of elves and their growth away from and beyond mortal realms. He measures the lives of the Fair Folk and decrees when they should be ended, allowing passage to Arvandor. As Lord of the Continuum, Labelas governs the orderly passage of time and guards against those who would alter the path of history.

  • Weapons





    Club, Dagger, Quarterstaff and Sling Leather armor or Elven Chain Mail Elves, Half-elves Both LG,NG,LN,TN,CN
  • Advantages

    Recieves a +2 saving throw vs spell against Haste and Slow.
    May cast Haste and Slow at level 5.
    Recieves a +1 bonus to Wisdom scores at level 10 and 20.

  • Disadvantages

    Cannot Command or Turn Undead

  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Animal, Astral, Charm, Divination, Necromantic, Numbers, Plant, Protection, Sun, Thought and Time.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Healing and Weather.

  • Unique Spells

    Weight of Years (3rd)
    Temporal Anomaly (7th)

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  • Morninglord of Lathander

    A powerful, exuberant god, Lathander is known as the Commander of Creativity and the Morninglord. Morninglords seek to build anew, encourage the rebirth of barren areas and more productive growth in cultivated lands, drive out evil, and either restore civilization to heights it once had or lead it to new dizzying heights of interracial harmony, cooperation, and pursuit of the arts and progress. To do this, they battle monsters to nurture civilization; they plant seeds and new seedlings, they encourage and aid adventurers, travelers, traders, and pilgrims as the harbingers of culture; and they recover lost magical items, pieces of literature, and works of art.

  • Weapons





    Bludgeoning All up to and including Chain Mail. All Both LG,NG,LN,TN,CN
  • Advantages

    +2 bonus to AC and all saves when fighting undead.

  • Disadvantages

    Cannot Command undead.

  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Astral, Charm, Creation, Elemental, Healing, Necromantic (Restorative), Plant, Sun, Thought, Wards and Weather.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Combat, Divination, Guardian and Time.

  • Unique Spells

    Rosemantle (1st)
    Sunrise (3rd)
    Boon of Lathander (4th)
    Shield of Lathander (5th)
    False Dawn (6th)
    Greater Shield of Lathander (7th)

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  • Arachne of Lolth

    Lolth is the goddess of the drow race and drow society. She is responsible for the nature, customs, laws, and survival of most drow commu-nities. The Spider Queen maintains her absolute rule over drow cities by means of her clergy, who tirelessly seek out and destroy all traces of dissent, disobedience, rival faiths, or sacrilege and will ruthlessly enforce the Way of Lolth. The Spider Queen foments unending chaos in drow society and sets the drow eternally at war with each other both for her own amuse-ment and to prevent complacency, runaway pride from asserting itself, or the rise of other faiths. Lolth is also venerated by chitines, a small spiderlike race that are castoffs of the drow.

  • Weapons





    Any Any All Female LN,TN,CN,LE,NE,CE
  • Advantages

    Cannot be harmed by spiders.
    May cast Web at level 5.
    May cast Domination at level 13.

  • Disadvantages

    Cannot Turn undead.
    Can only cast reversed form of spells.

  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Astral, Animal, Chaos, Combat, Elemental (All), Guardian, Healing, Necromantic, Protection, Summoning and Sun.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Charm, Creation, Divination, Time and Wards.

  • Unique Spells

    Darkfire (2nd)
    Spiderform (5th)
    Spider Summoning (5th)
    Spider Bite (6th)
    Repulsion (7th)

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  • Silvermaid of Lurue

    Lurue the Unicorn, also known as "Silverymoon," is the goddess of talking beasts and good intelligent monsters. She is venerated by many sentient beasts who have inherited or magically acquired the ability to speak human and demihuman languages. While some entire species, such as unicorns, pegasi, and talking owls, venerate her as Queen, many of her worshipers are outcasts from their own kind due to their unique abilities.

  • Weapons





    Any All up to and including Chain Mail. Human, Elven and Half-Elven Female LG,NG,CG,LN,TN,CN
  • Advantages

    Immune to Poison and Death spells.
    Can never be charmed or held by magic.
    May cast Find Familiar.

  • Disadvantages

    Cannot Command or Turn undead.

  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Animal, Charm, Divination, Healing, Guardian, Sun and Travelers.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Combat, Plant, Protection and Weather.

  • Unique Spells

    Alicorn Lance (2nd)
    Dance of the Unicorns (5th)

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  • Trailblazer of Marthammor Duin

    Marthammor Duin, known on other worlds as Muamman Duathal, is the protector of dwarves who make their lives in human society in the North, rather than keeping to mountain or deep-delve enclaves. Commonly known as Wanderers, all such dwarves make offerings to him in appeasement for good fortune. Marthammor is the patron of adventurers and explorers and all those dwarves who travel or live far from the dwarven homelands, allowing them to find routes to escape or to victory in their travels. He also watches over dwarven craftsfolk of any good alignment, keeping their homes and persons safe. His secondary aspect as god of lightning is unique among dwarves. The Finder-of-Trails is a growing cult in the North, and he may be evolving into an intermediate power.

  • Weapons





    Bludgeoning All Dwarven Both LG,NG,CG,LN,TN,CN
  • Advantages

    Immune to all forms of lightning and electrical damage.
    May cast Lightning Bolt at level 5.
    May cast Haste on themselves at level 7.

  • Disadvantages

    Cannot Command or Turn undead.

  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Astral, Combat, Creation, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Protection, Sun, Travelers and Weather.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Animal, Charm, Elemental (Earth), Necromantic, Plant and Summoning.

  • Unique Spells

    Marthammor's Thunderbolts (3rd)
    Glowglory (3rd)

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  • Dweomerkeeper of Mystra

    Mystra is the goddess of magic and the creator of the weave, making her one of the most powerful deities in all of Faerun. Her followers travel the land extolling the virtues and benefits of the controlled use of magic.

  • Weapons





    Bludgeoning All All Both LG,NG,CG,LN,TN,CN
  • Advantages

    +2 bonus to saving throws against magic.
    May function normally in both dead magic and wild magic areas.
    Casting time for priest spells reduced by 3 at level 7.

  • Disadvantages

    Cannot Command undead.
    Cannot use the reversed form of spells.

  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Astral, Chaos, Charm, Combat, Creation, Divination, Elemental (All), Guardian, Healing, Law, Necromantic, Numbers, Protection, Summoning, Thought, Time, Travelers and Wards.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Animal, Plant, Sun and Weather.

  • Unique Spells

    Spell Shield (3rd)
    Anyspell (4th)
    Wondrous Recall (6th)

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  • Firemane of Nobanion

    Nobanion, the Lion God of Gulthmere, is viewed as the the protector of that woods, the wild natives within it, and the nearby Shining Plains. He is typically portrayed as a great male lion or a majestic lammasu. He draws his power from the wild animals of the Vilhon Reach and Dragon Coast regions, particularly the great cats and wemics of the Shining Plains.

  • Weapons





    Bludgeoning, Spears & Natural Hide Human, Elven, Half-Elven Both LG,NG,CG,LN,TN,CN
  • Advantages

    Receives 5 extra hit points at level 1.
    Can start a Wild Fight.
    Immune to fear.
    Can make three melee attacks every two rounds at level 7.
    Can make two melee attacks every round at level 13.

  • Disadvantages

    Cannot Command or Turn undead.
    Cannot use the reversed form of spells.

  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Animal, Combat, Guardian, Healing, Law, Protection, Summoning, War and Wards.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Elemental (All), Necromantic, Plant and Weather.

  • Unique Spells

    Lionheart (2nd)
    Roar of the King (4th)
    Pride of Nobanion (4th)
    Feline Form (7th)

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  • Sibylite of Savras

    Savras the All-Seeing was a rival god of mages who was defeated by Azuth. Savras now serves Azuth, albeit uneasily, as a demipower of diviners and truth-speakers. The two deities seem to cautiously be working toward friendship and a format division of duties, albeit with Savras continuing to serve Azuth.

  • Weapons





    Bludgeoning None Human, Half-Elven, Half-Orc Both LG,NG,LN,TN,LE
  • Advantages

    May cast spells from the wizard school of Divination.
    Immune to backstab, at level 13.

  • Disadvantages

    Cannot Command undead.

  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Astral, Charm, Divination, Healing, Law, Numbers, Sun, Thought and Time.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Creation, Guardian, Necromantic, Protection and Weather.

  • Unique Spells

    Haunted Visions (3rd)
    All-Seeing Crystal Ball (6th)

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  • Silverstar of Selune

    Selune's eternal foe is the evil goddess Shar, and she battles her ceaselessly on many planes of existence, both through mortal worshipers and servitor creatures. Open battle often occurs when followers of each faith meet. Silverstars face lycanthropes fearlessly and thereby win respect among farmers and other members of the common folk. They are also, by the Lady's command, generous with their healing, often charging very little beyond a meal and a warm place to sleep for straightforward healing.

  • Weapons





    Bludgeoning All All Both LG,NG,CG
  • Advantages

    Gifted with innate infravision.
    May cast Selune’s Moonfire.

  • Disadvantages

    Cannot Command undead.

  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Animal, Astral, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Necromantic, Numbers, Summoning, Sun, Travelers and Weather.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Charm, Elemental, Plant and Wards.

  • Unique Spells

    Moon Blade (3rd)
    Wall of Moonlight (4th)
    Moon Path (5th)
    Moonweb (5th)

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  • Nightcloak of Shar

    Loss is the nature of Shar. One of the Dark Gods, she is a deeply twisted and perverse being of ineffable evil and endless petty hatred and jealousy. She rules over pains hidden but not forgotten, bitterness carefully nurtured away from the light and from others, and quiet revenge for any slight, no matter how old. Shar is worshiped by blinded, nocturnal, or subterranean-dwelling humans and allied beings and by those who hate the light. Nightcloaks work covertly to bring down all governments and promote shadowy organizations that appeal to human desires to be a part of something elite and important, to keep secrets, and to be involved in the mysterious.

  • Weapons





    Bludgeoning All up to and including Chain Mail All Both LE,NE,CE
  • Advantages

    Gifted with limited infravision.
    May cast Blindness at level 3.
    May cast Shadow door at level 13.

  • Disadvantages

    Cannot Turn undead.

  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Astral, Charm, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Necromantic, Protection, Sun, Time and Thought.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Creation, Elemental and Healing.

  • Unique Spells

    Armor of Darkness (3rd)
    Whip of Shar (3rd)
    Creatures of Darkness (4th)
    Darkbolt (4th)

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  • Serphidian of Sseth

    Sseth (also known as Merrshaulk) is the chief god of the reptilian yuan-ti, a chaotic evil mastermind of traps, poison, and murder. His clerics are known as vrael olo. His symbol is a flying snake with bared fangs. Currently Sseth is imprisoned at the mercy of the Mulhorandi god Set, but how long this will last cannot be determined, in the meantime Set grants the followers of Sseth their spells under his guise unbeknownst to the vast majority of his clerics.

  • Weapons





    Any Scale Mail and Shields Human, Half-Elven, Half-Orc Both LE,NE,CE,CN
  • Advantages

    May cast Sleep.
    Immune to poison at level 5.

  • Disadvantages

    Cannot Command or Turn undead.
    Can only use the reversed form of spells.

  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Animal, Charm, Combat, Divination, Healing and Plant.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Chaos, Elemental (Air, Earth and Water), Guardian, Protection, Sun, Summoning and Thought.

  • Unique Spells

    Snake Charm (1st)
    Venom of Varae (3rd)
    Histachii Brew (4th)
    Snake Skin (4th)

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  • Stormlord of Talos

    Talos is the destructive force of nature. He is the god of storms, forest fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and general destruction. Stormlords enjoy destruction and arm themselves heavily to bring it about where spells may fail at all times. They tend to go to one of two extremes: Either they armor themselves to the hilt in the most menacing-looking armor they can obtain, or they wear next to no armor and use protective magicks instead so that to the average observers they look almost suicidal in their fervor to get into the thick of destruction.

  • Weapons





    Bludgeoning All All Both LN,TN,CN,LE,NE,CE
  • Advantages

    Immune to all forms of lightning and electrical damage.
    May cast Shocking Grasp.
    May cast Lightning Bolt at level 7.

  • Disadvantages


  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Animal, Astral, Chaos, Combat, Elemental, Healing, Necromantic, Summoning, Sun, War and Weather.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Creation, Divination, Protection and Time.

  • Unique Spells

    Wind Lash (2nd)
    Storm Shield (3rd)
    Storm Cone (5th)

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  • Battleguard of Tempus

    Tempus is random in his favours, yet his chaotic nature favours all sides equally. Lord Tempus may be on an army's side on one day, and against them the next; such is the nature of war. Battleguards are charged to arm all for whom battle is needful, even foes. They should retreat from hopeless fights, but never avoid battle, and slay one foe decisively and bring battle to halt rather dragging on hostilities. They are to defend what they believe in, lest it be swept away, and remember the dead who fell fighting before them.

  • Weapons





    Bludgeoning All All Both All
  • Advantages

    May incite a berserker rage in themselves or others for 10 rounds once a day.
    May cast Prayer once a day with a casting time of 0.
    May make three melee attacks every two rounds at level 7.
    May make two melee attacks every one round at level 13.

  • Disadvantages


  • Major Sphere Access

    Animal, Chaos, Combat, Divination, Elemental, Healing, Necromantic, Protection, War and Weather.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    All, Guardian, Summoning, Sun and Wards.

  • Unique Spells

    Holy Flail (3rd)
    Reveal (4th)
    Dance of the Fallen (6th)

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  • Necrophant of Velsharoon

    Velsharoon is the Archmage of Necromancy, a demipower who has gathered the study, practice, and practitioners of necromancy and evil liches into his portfolio and who is striving to add general undeath as well. Newly elevated to a divine state, the Lord of the Forgotten Crypt is only beginning to create a cult of worshipers in the Realms. Although many prognosticators, mortals and immortals alike, have predicted the quick destruction of this arrogant necromancer, Velsharoon has played one power off against another, and he has begun to establish himself in the Faerūnian pantheon.

  • Weapons





    Bludgeoning None Human, Half-Elven, Half-Orc Both All
  • Advantages

    May cast spells from the wizard school of Necromancy.
    May cast Wraithform at level 7.

  • Disadvantages

    Cannot Turn undead.

  • Major Sphere Access

    All, Creation, Healing, Necromantic, Protection, Summoning, Time and Wards.

  • Minor Sphere Access

    Combat, Elemental (All), Guardian, Numbers, Sun and Thought.

  • Unique Spells

    Assume Undead Form (4th)
    Gaseous Form (5th)

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